We were driving to Merrimack Hall, and my husband, Malcolm, was having a “bah humbug” kind of day.
It was December 1, and Malcolm was bemoaning the pressures of the upcoming holiday season—excessive consumerism, both of our children living out of state now, the feeling of not having enough time, and a touch of seasonal affective disorder caused by shorter days and longer nights.
I, on the other hand, was excited about the coming season. I was feeling the kind of holiday giddiness that irritates the “bah humbugs” among us. Upon arrival at Merrimack Hall, even the neighborhood rooster was crowing happily!

We made coffee, greeted Happy Days students as they arrived, and gathered in a circle for our morning share time. Today, the topic of our discussion would be our feelings about our yearly concert, “Holidays in Our PJ’s,” returning after our Covid hiatus of 2020. Right off, most of us agreed with Samy that one of the best parts of the production is getting cool, new pajamas to wear on stage. Anna Ryane said her favorite part is getting to spend time with her Merrimack family. Cory agreed that getting together with his friends to sing brings him joy. Keyon reflected that he likes having his family there in the audience. Laura Beth and Anna C. talked about the joy of smiling at the audience to make them happy.

David added that his favorite part is wearing Santa hats.
Jonah’s favorite memory was getting to play the role of Santa Claus in one performance. Zach and Adonis agreed that the after-show desserts are a highlight. Sara smiled big and said that she just loves Christmas! This is her first year to be in the concert, and she is very excited.
Time to go shopping for new pajamas!
Please join us in the Merrimack Hall auditorium this Friday evening, December 17, at 6:00 for the return of our annual “Holidays in Our PJ’s” concert. The concert is free and open to all who would like to attend! Refreshments will be served afterward in the Dance Studio.
Bring your good holiday cheer!